School of Business & Mngt Studies

Management Assistance

Management Assistance: N4

This qualification is aimed primarily at giving the learner technical, theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in Management Assistance occupational/vocational area.

Admission requirements

Grade 12 certificate, national N3 or an equivalent qualification

Career opportunities

Office Administration Assistant
Office Professional
Personal Assistant
Secretary in private / public sector


Awarded on successful completion of this program


National Department of Higher Education & Training/QCTO

SAQA ID: 66876

NQF: Level 6

Credits: 360

Duration: 6 months


N4 / Semester 1

Subjects / Modules
  • Office Practice N4
  • Communication N4
  • Information Processing N4
Optional (Choose one)
  • Computer practice N4
  • Marketing Management N4
  • Public Administration N4
  • Entrepreneurship & Business Management N4
  • Financial Accounting N4

In order to qualify for a Diploma in Management Assistance, a leaner must pass the following;

  • Information Processing N6
  • Public Administration N4 (It is a prerequisite for Municipal Administration N5)

A N6-Certificate must comprise at least two N6-instructional offerings and 1 N4 instruction offering

Where more than one level of an instructional offering is given as an elective option, the principal remains in force that the previous level must be passes first

To qualify for the issuing of the diploma, a candidate must pass all the 3 levels (N4, N5 and N6) and also produce documentary proof of at least eighteen (18) months or 2000 hours of applicable experience in a commerce industry that has its main function as a practical execution of two compulsory instruction offerings/subjects at N6 level.

Management Assistance: N5

This qualification is aimed primarily at giving the learner technical, theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in Management Assistance occupational/vocational area.

Admission requirements

N4 or an equivalent qualification

Career opportunities

Office Administration Assistant
Office Professional
Personal Assistant
Secretary in private / public sector


Awarded on successful completion of this program


National Department of Higher Education & Training/QCTO

SAQA ID: 66956

NQF: Level 6

Credits: 360

Duration: 6 months


N5 / Semester 2

Compulsory Subjects
  • Office Practice N5
  • Communication N5
  • Information Processing N5
Optional Subjects (Choose One)
  • Entrepreneurship & Business Management N4 / N5
  • Financial Accounting N4 / N5
  • Computer Practice N4 / N5
  • Public Administration N4 / N5
  • Municipal Administration N5

Management Assistance: N6

This qualification is aimed primarily at giving the learner technical, theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in Management Assistance occupational/vocational area.

Admission requirements

N5 or an equivalent qualification

Career opportunities

Office Administration Assistant
Office Professional
Personal Assistant
Secretary in private / public sector


Awarded on successful completion of this program


National Department of Higher Education & Training/QCTO

SAQA ID: 667001

NQF: Level 6

Credits: 360

Duration: 6 months


N6 / Semester 3

Compulsory Subjects
  • Office Practice N6
  • Information Processing N6
Optional Subjects
  • Entrepreneurship & Business Management N4/5/6
  • Financial Accounting N4/5/6
  • Municipal Administration N5
  • Computer Practice N4/5/6
  • Communication N6
  • Municipal Administration N5
  • Public relations N5

    The fees structure

    Registration R1,000.00
    Deposit R1,000.00
    Monthly Inst R1,000.00 * 6 Months
    Total Course fee R8,000.00